Pompa The Cinephile Anime. The series centers on Joelle Davidovich Pomponette Pompo-san a talented film producer at the movie capital Nyallywood. Community custom lists that include the anime Pompo.
Pompo the Cinephile is a tight 90 minute package that builds upon its straightforward story with a ton of aesthetic. The Cinéphile Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san manga in Japanese with. Pompo the Cinephile might not be for everyone but the GKIDS film about making movies is absolutely beautiful.
It is all about anime.
As a huge lover of anime and being the cinephile that I am I was fully prepared to fall in love with it. The film revolves around Gene an assistant who works for the famous film producer Joelle Davidovich Pomponette aka Pompo-san. The anime film adaptation of Shogo Sugitanis Pompo. The Cinéphile is a dramedy film directed and written by Takayuki Hirao.