Holy Thursday Mass Missal. With this Mass celebrated in the evening of the Thursday in Holy Week the Church begins the sacred Easter Triduum and devotes herself to the remembrance of the Last Supper. On weekdays of Lent at the end of Mass and before the final blessing the Prayer over the People indicated for each day may appropriately be used.
When the people are gathered the Priest approaches the altar with the ministers while the Entrance Chant is sung. On the tenth of this month every one of your families. Celebration of the Lords Passion 301 Holy Saturday Easter Sunday.
In the 1962 missal benedicamus domino is said only when the mass is followed by another liturgical action such as the eucharistic processions on holy thursday and corpus christi.
Holy Thursday Mass Missal. I leave you peace my peace I leave you. With parallel Latin and English texts and rubrics in red. There will be six candles lit on the altar.